The basics of setting up Twitter for business [infographic]

Posted by Wordtracker on 4 Aug, 2015
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How to set up your Twitter business account with a handy step-by-step infographic

how to set up twitter

Sometimes you just need to stop planning for one moment, and get that task done!

If you've been delaying setting up for Twitter business account until now, this infographic (below) will help you take the leap of faith.

Joining the fast paced, 140 character, chat scene on Twitter takes seconds and gives your business (amongst other things) the opportunity to build relationships within your industry.

If nothing else you'll want to snap up your unique handle and observe the conversations that are already going on.

Don't forget to monitor your account as more and more customers are turning to Twitter to engage with businesses, ask questions, and provide feedback.

If you need more direction once you're all set up, check out the Twitter tutorials on the Wordtracker Academy.

Many thanks to for the handy infographic.


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