Easy ways to turn ‘boring’ tech topics into engaging social media posts

Posted by Mansi Dhorda on 28 Feb, 2022
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8 ways tech companies can get creative with social media.

Tech topics for social.

Our new technology will change this; it will change that… Blah... Blah… Yawn
Boring! Unfollow…The end!

That's the reaction of your users when they find a plain wall of texts discussing technological advancements.

As always, it’s not that the topic is boring. Maybe your presentation just doesn’t connect, or has nothing that makes it stand out.

However, it's not the same for all brands that are into technology posting. After all, many tech brands like Apple, HP and Microsoft have been successful in gaining massive social media followings.

It's worth looking at how they do this. If they can succeed on social media, so can you.

As the author GK Chesterton said,

“There are no boring subjects, only disinterested minds.”

So, it's time to turn those yawn-worthy tech topics into attention-grabbing social media posts.

Before we get started, here are three essential tips to follow for your posts:

  1. Make them relatable. Relatability is a huge factor that contributes to the overall success of social media posts. If your posts don't address the interests or pain points of your audience, you'll quickly lose them.
  2. High quality. We're in the age of 4K videos. Lower-quality posts or video clips will be swiftly discarded by your audience.
  3. The more visual, the better. As the saying goes, "a picture speaks a thousand words". Instead of simply adding walls of text, make good use of visuals in your social media posts and let your creative juices win the game for you. 

Top 8 ways to turn boring tech into attention-grabbing social media posts

1. There’s no such thing as a boring company

Just because you’re a tech company, it doesn’t mean you have to post about tech - however interesting it is to some people -  the whole time.

Ever heard a reporter talking about 'angle'? The angle is how you approach a topic and present it. Reporters know the importance of story angles, and that's how they get you interested in watching the news.

So, instead of thinking of technology as a boring topic, think about how you can make it interesting.

Microsoft launched their Instagram channel in 2014 with a series profiling ordinary people using Microsoft technology using the hashtag (people who) #DoMore

The first person profiled was “the Best Barista in America,” Laila Ghamberi, who uses Skype to train baristas worldwide in coffee making, entrepreneurship and coffee culture.

Microsoft barista.

Image source: Instagram

The series continued with a surgeon using 3D printing for life-saving surgery, and more followed.

By focusing on real life, ordinary people and the way they use the tech, rather than the tech itself, Microsoft makes the story much more interesting and relatable. It enables a connection with the audience on a different level.

2. Turn it into a meme

Here's how General Electric took Ryan Gosling's famous Hey Girl and turned it into a meme.

GE Hey Girl.

Image source: Pinterest

Memes, when used right, can generate higher-level engagement than almost any other content type. They are a perfect fit for social media as they are eminently shareable and the best ones go viral.

A good meme can pierce the impression of ‘boring’, associated with the tech field. However, be careful with your use of humor as it may not always work, especially in an international context.

3. Infographics are your best friends

If you want to share information with people, tell them. But if you want them to remember it, tell them a story using images. Studies show that we process visual information faster, and retain it for longer than textual data.

Infographics are a great tool for turning a lengthy or complicated topic into an engaging social media post. They’re aesthetically pleasing, and also highly effective at sharing complex information.

Want to understand how blockchain works? Take a look at the infographic below.

Blockchain infographic.

Image source: PWC

There are many tools you can use to create infographics.  Canva or Visme are two of the most popular, and both offer free basic plans.

4. Polls and surveys

Sharing content that encourages audience feedback improves the average engagement rate and makes your customers feel heard.

This means polls and surveys are an excellent way to build engagement and get valuable, timely feedback, allowing you to learn more about what your audience wants.

Twitter polls are easy to create and highly shareable. In this example, Verizon used a Twitter poll to create a giveaway alert.

Verizon poll.

Image source: Twitter

5. Quote an industry expert, ask for opinions

Expert view.

Image source: Instagram

People love to engage in conversations online and a great way to create this is to quote an expert in your niche. You can ask for opinions, ask a question, or just get the conversation going. If you tag the expert in your post they may respond, giving you the chance to interact with them and providing your followers with industry expertise.

Whether your expert responds or not, your post can spark a conversation with your audience.  It’s a good way to position your business as having something interesting to say in your niche, and exposes your brand to a wider audience.

6. Use tech holidays

Sharing tech holidays is another great way to create intriguing, engagement-worthy content.

It may be hard to believe, but people love to participate in these types of posts. As a result, your brand will be at the center of attention. Add a picture and related tag to take the fun to a whole new level.

Here are just a few of the technology days you can post on:

  • Mar 10 - Mario Day
  • Jun 30 -  National Meteor Watch Day
  • Sep 15 - National Coding Week
  • Oct 6 - National Tecchies Day

Mario Day.

You can find the whole amazing list at National Today. Pick one that fits with your brand and niche.

7. Piggyback trending topics

You don’t always need to share something related to technology or your products. In fact, talking about yourself all the time can get pretty dull, even for the most exciting brands.

Luckily, there’s always something trending online. Use social listening tools to tap into the trends your audience is watching and discussing. Or just look for a trending hashtag on social media and start a conversation.

Here’s how top tech company General Electric tapped into the #Olympics buzz, with a video celebrating their own intern in the Paralympics.

GE Olympics.

Image source: Twitter

8. Create your own #hashtag

Apple are true masters of social media with millions of followers on various platforms. They know they can't just talk endlessly about their new iPhones, iPads and Macs, so they engage on a different level.

One of their most successful campaigns across multiple platforms encourages followers to post their own photos under a hashtag they created. The #shotoniphone campaign is highly visual and engaging. It fits perfectly with their brand concept of creating beautiful, high quality images using Apple tech.

The hashtag currently has over 24m posts on Instagram.


Image Source: Instagram

Final thoughts

So remember, there's no such thing as boring. You just need to find an angle that will engage and interest your audience, and show your brand personality.

Experiment with different formats and platforms to find a strategy that works for your business.  Once you have that, turning tech topics into engaging social media will be a piece of cake.

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